About us
About us

The global increase in waste production is a pressing concern driven by population growth and rising resource demands. This surge encompasses a wide array of materials, including wood, tires, agricultural byproducts, food waste, and municipal solid waste, highlighting the urgency of addressing the environmental issue. As waste accumulation continues to outpace landfill capacity, there is a growing imperative to enhance, innovate, and implement efficient waste management systems that can transform these materials into valuable resources. Additionally, the high demand for fuel resources for energy is contributing to global concerns about the environment. Given these major factors in global environmental concerns, it is imperative to adopt efficient and sustainable methods to utilize all available resources to lessen environmental problems.


At Green North Company (GNC), we are committed to innovatively providing, developing, exploring, studying and offering sustainable solutions that utilize and harness all potential renewable energy sources. This includes developing waste-to-fuel technologies and utilizing other renewable energy sources like solar energy to create sustainable green cement products.


At Green North Company (GNC), we are developing and utilizing all waste materials in landfills for Refuse-Derived-Fuel (RDF) within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We are actively developing methods to utilize these waste materials to produce renewable energy, incorporating this energy into our production processes, and using it to produce green cement products. GNC is innovatively providing a sustainable solution that will utilize and harness all potential renewable energy sources from these waste materials, developing waste control management through Refuse-Derived-Fuel (RDF).


Additionally, at Green North Company (GNC), we are actively pursuing the development, adaptation, and effective utilization and incorporation of alternative solutions such as solar energy for power consumption in cement plant operations. create the new heat integration system by Developing and incorporating this alternative solar energy into the operation of the cement industry will significantly reduce Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) consumption for cement operations.



Green North Company (GNC) has its own research and development team that is highly competent and committed to actively pursuing our goals to create, develop, enhance, improve, adapt, and produce sustainable and high-quality green cement products using all green renewable energy sources. Our company and our research and development team are open to opportunities to develop, contribute, cooperate, and improve for an energy-efficient green cement plant performance and producing green cement products for a greener and eco-friendly cement line.


Furthermore, at Green North Company (GNC), we are developing and producing green cement products such as LC3 (Limestone Calcined Clay Cement) and other low-carbon cement products, aiming to improve and innovate more eco-friendly cement products. used maximum byproducts from others to produce new eco cement products.


our team

Board of directors

Sulaiman Salim Al Harbi

Chairman of Board of Directors

Faisal Bin Hamad Al Saqer

Deputy Chairman of the Board

Saud bin Saad Al Arifi

Managing Director of the Board of Directors

Mohamed Bin Fayez Al Durgam

Member of the Board of Directors

Obaid Al-Subaie

Member of the Board of Directors - CEO

Ahmed Bin Abdul Al Rahman Al Obeid

Member of the Board of Directors
